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Background of The Gentlemen Planters

09/23/2013 16:59


    The Gentlemen Planters were a social type of people that lived on plantations. Each plantation had many acres of land and fields worked by African American slaves. Puritan settlements were more like villages and had less slaves. These Gentleman Planter men settled in the South because it had warmer weather and richer soil for growing crops. They lived off of the crops that they sold and each individual Planter had to make their own civilization because they were so far apart. Farming, weaving, baking, entertaining and providing medical care were all things that they had to provide for themselves and their plantations. Often times, the Gentlemen Planter had to travel to Charleston or Williamsburg in order to do business and have their say in politics.

    When it came to literature, they had different writing styles than the Puritans. More classical writings were written and they used more scientific inquiry in their writings than Puritans. They were not as plain and simple. These people preffered more elaborate things and less plainness. Planters wrote less on religion and more on society and nature. The ideals of the South were different too. Most Planters believed in the English Renaissance just like rest of the world. The dominant religion was the Church of England while the Puritans had their own beliefs and did not agree with the Church of England. They turned their attention outward instead of inward and it showed in their exerpts and every day lives.